Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Time Tames

Time - The most powerful thing ever!!

Yesterday I was having an interesting discussion with my friend and she complained, that things which should be done at the right time, should be done at the right time, otherwise it may be too late!

I agreed, hands down! I have been contemplating it pretty much, how to put things in the best possible way, the fact being, I don't respect time as much as I would now preach.

But I always believe that writing things down is like talking to yourself. If I don't follow it, I might just start, after finishing this post.

People talk about Time Freedom. I have a friend who has been working very hard now, so that after some years, he will have all the time in the world to do all that he ever wanted to.

The efforts that he puts in are indeed commendable. He lets go off his sleep, he eats less, sometimes eats a lot, irregularly and has ended up spoiling his health big time.

Why, if we ask him, he says, 'Give me 3 years, then I will give you all the time you want!'

Who knows what will be the scene after three years. Nothing will be what it is like today.Or it may be exactly the same! Things may be worse, they may be better, fantastic, we may be miserable, or we may be doing awesomely well.

It's all in the hands of Time. All we need to do is, LIVE, do our Karma and wait for the results!

So while I was thinking about all this I realised, I haven't been giving time to the important people in my life. I haven't been giving time to the most important person in my life - ME.

I think sometimes, even I need to sit back, and fall in love with myself all over again. There are times, when I need to check, how much can I tolerate myself, also, I need to make a pact with myself and find out what time can I devote to myself so that I stay happy.

It begins with ME, for sure, but is it where it ends too? Not always!

Family comes next. Post the teenage, parents begin to seem a little less important, their language sounds gibberish, we think our time is different from theirs. We hate wasting it fighting or discussing things with them, so we simply devoid them of their share of time.

I hope many don't. But I do!

Sometimes, friends slowly lose importance, when  new friends come in. If we have a job we love, or one we hate, we work our asses off anyway, and stay 12-13 hours at work and give time to nobody.

It was a while, when I had heard myself sing, laugh, crack jokes, be appreciated. It was a while, when I went for long walks with a friend discussing the progressions in life. It had been a while, when I took out time for Pani Puri with my best buds. Had been a while, when I went to a church to light candles, which I always did.

I hadn't done a lot of things. Because I'd forgotten how to manage my Time.

I was wasting a lot of it, when I thought I was utilising it.

I started blogging less, started expressing less, I started being more with just myself and realised, too much of time with myself, is a pain too :P

Finally I realised, it doesn't hurt bad when everyone gets their share of time.

Because if you give TIME. You give LOVE. To yourself, as well as to others.

I don't want to wait till time teaches me lessons the hard way.

I want to respect Time, as much as it respects us.

Finally, I feel good about everything :)

PS: Hope the MBA Schools teach the students to use time effectively, coz I've seen MBA passouts fail miserably in their family life! Sigh!


  1. i am sure many would relate to it.. :):) so it means that now can we expect the frequency of your posts to increase..

  2. @sunny: thanks a ton :)

    @laddu: yo... Correct you are.. :) thnx for the comment..


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