Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The City of Love

Surreal, it was
so beautiful..
when you met me in the woods

I looked at you
you looked at me
and took home as much as we could

since that day
been looking for ya
come to me.. whereever you are...

In the night, sun shines
when I think of you
It's morning time
                                                                                     in the evening too..

The Street Musicians serenaded the audience.
She went ahead and dropped a cent in the hat. She did not smile.
"Madamoiselle", the guitar guy called out.
She turned back.
"Merci", he said and smiled.
She thought she needed to talk to them.
"Do you speak English?", she asked.
"A bit", he replied.
"How about you?", she asked the guy who had sung the song.
"I just sung the entire song in English", he replied.
"You know your song sucks", the girl said.
The guys laughed.
"What sense do the lyrics make? In the night, sun shines When I think of you It's morning time in the evening too..", the girl pointed out.
"Pourquoi amie?", asked one of them.
"Why?", the other translated.
"You cannot go against nature, even if you think about the one you love. It can never be morning in the night, nor can sun shine instead of the moonlight", she replied.
"When in love, everything is possible", the singer replied.
Looking at the crowd, the musicians started playing again. The girl stood next to them and saw them play the instruments passionately.
The lead singer began, as the guitarist dedicated each and every chord to the lady, the other guitarist wooed the audience.

"And I saw her walking
It was her shadow that
she left behind..

The people started talking
The path began to

Her grace, her charm
and her smile
The way she held me in her eyes
for a while..

"Naa nanaaa naanaa", the audience joined.

The girl wondered if they sang for her. She wasn't very sure.
"Y'all only sing about girls, and your love for them?“ she asked.
"What else is more beautiful in the world, lady? “asked the guitarist in a French accent.
His sight pierced deep into her eyes. She couldn't reciprocate for long. She turned away.
"Why don't you sing something about France, Paris, it's history?“ asked the girl."We have been doing it, mademoiselle", the singer replied.
"Where?", she asked

They started another song..

"I saw a pretty woman
To the bar she went
And as she came out and saw me standing
She put me a cent

I held her as I
Played the strings
She wouldn't stay near,
She had her wings

She flew around and came to me
I saw the love in her that she saw in me
We looked at each other, and looked above
She denied it all, but she was in love

In a wondrous place
Stood a city of romance
Her mind would trace
All the steps of the dance

That she wanted to
Dance with the guy
Which she couldn't do
When she looked into his eyes

She acted crazy I had no clue
I played for the lady
My favorite tune
We looked at each other, and looked above
She denied it all, but she was in love

In a moment to Cherish
A moment of Chance
She comes and asks me
Sing to me of France

She acted crazy I had no clue
I played for the lady
My favorite tune
We looked at each other, and looked above
She denied it all, but she was in love

The audience again joined the musicians.
By now, the girl knew, they were singing for her.
"What's your name", the guitarist asked, as he continued playing the chords.
"Georgia", she replied
"Pretty you", he added.
She blushed and added "yours?"
"Noah", he replied and asked "Dance with me, will you?"
She smiled. She hadn't smiled in a while.
"What is your favorite song?“ asked the singer guy.
"I like what you are singing. Go on", Georgia said.
"This is the city of love, lady. We sing of love, speak of love, and dance in love", said the Noah.
"You speak good English", complimented Georgia.
"It's the language of love that makes you understand what I say", said Noah and twirled her around as she took a few turns and came back to him.
The audience applauded.
It was a serendipitous evening and she fell in love, in the city of love, with the city and the people.
“Everything is possible in love”, it resonated in her mind, as she hummed the tune she'd danced on.


  1. It's been a long long while since I have been here. And I realize what I have been missing!

    Lovely piece. Loved the poetry. As always - brilliant :)

  2. @Sudip: :) thank you so much stay around.. and I am looking fwd to updates on your blog too!

  3. I was in love with this piece..

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.


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