Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Bonded in chains
Chains of desire, wishes and pleasure
I am lost in a maze
The walls seem high
The path seems strange
Every time I take a road
Towards You, and decide my aims
I realize I am bonded in chains

Closed in a shell
A shell which encompasses all pretty things
I know not how to escape
The door seems so tight
The latch seems invisible
Every time i try to see the Real world
Where all's so well
I realize i am closed in a shell

Tied with a rope
Rope that portray both friends and foes
The rope seems unbreakable
I wonder at its might
Its me who has made the bond so strong
Every time I yearn for freedom, with hope
I realize i am tied with a rope

Soul is free
Free of bonds, ropes and chains
It can soar high
Break barriers, overcome pain
Every time it rebels and fights to become free
I realize, the chain, the shell, the rope is ME.


  1. WOW...... no other words .... WOW again..... :)

  2. @Sunny: Thank a ton ... no other words.. Thank a ton :) ;)

  3. @Sunny: I kinda misspelt it...and am not able to undo it...

    i only meant.. Thank's' a ton :D :D :D

  4. Great One! the way you write is brilliant!


So..what do you think?

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