Thursday, January 09, 2014


Picture Courtesy: Pooja Cornelius

Slurrp! Those bothersome sips
From the hot chocolate, twirling on the table
That would thrust me into the depths of illusions -

That there would be a world
Free of erratic sights and unpleasant sounds!
I'd fancy that world - silent and depopulated.

But chaos is a pattern, and it keeps coming back
Unlike my illusions - it stays!

And it tells me, someday,
This chair would be occupied.

My coffee mug - filled again
My heart would be - intense with love
And our talks - a spree!

That day emptiness and silence
Will only rest in my imagination

And you would walk by
Creating a chaos
Filling - the empty chair
-The silence
-And my heart!

if there were no dreams

  if there were no dreams the permanence would slowly take over and the little escapes into the terrain of subconscious existence would deli...