Monday, May 06, 2013

Dying Poetry Stint

Sadly I couldn't go on with the poetry marathon, as I was travelling in April, and for about a week or so, I was not very well. So blogging usually bears the brunt and I end up ignoring it. 

But now I am doing well, and plan to revive my passions. I think I've not written so many poems in a while and even though they are not the greatest, but they've got me going. 

Next should be fictions. I want to write fictions. It's been over a year! Let's see how expressions unfold! :)
More soon! :)


  1. :)

    Poetry is so tricky. So is fiction. But both help communicate so much and challenge too.

    I hope you feel better now and April was a horrible month for me too health wise...

  2. I am first time on your blog and like everybody else i am short of words to praise your blog and your poems on your other blog ! Waiting for more posts from you ! :)

  3. @Chintan: Yep...true, that! :)

    @I HEARD YOU: Welcome to An Obscure Optimist.. There's isn't any activity going on in here! But thanks anyway for your kind words! :)

  4. Hay, For a change, Why don't you take out time and help me with my CV ?

    I know, your passion is writing poetry but who knows - your poems in my CV can fetch me a dream job :p

    Truly Optimist,

  5. @RNC: Sure, I can do that too... you can drop me a mail I can tell you about how much we charge! :)


So..what do you think?

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