Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Hell-hiker - # 16

The prompt: And now our (optional, as always) prompt. This is an oldie-but-a-goodie and it ties in nicely with our featured link! Today, I’d like you to write a “translation” of a poem in a language you don’t actually know. Go to the Poetry International Language List, pick a language, and then follow it to a poet and a poem. Generally the Poetry International website will present a poem in its original language on the left, and any translation on the right. Cut and paste the original into the text-editing program of your choice (and try not to peek too much at the translation). Now, use the sound and shape of the words and lines to guide you, without worrying too much about whether your translation makes sense.

I picked up this poem : 


Gott, ach einen Affen
Brauche ich zu dem ich mich mache, taub
Die Menschheit unter der Binde aus Holz
Schweigt, da der Wurm drinnen
Nicht richtig tickt Zeit Unzeit Wie
Kippelt der Sockel darauf ich
In Blindheit fern seh

-by Kerstin Hensel

My translation:


got an ache in the afternoon
Brought ice for one dime one for me making two
The Mankind under the Binding on the Hole
shifted the worm drink
neither right ticket timed or untimed we
kept the socket daringly 
in the blindfold for you

PS: to read the actual translation, click on the title of the poem --> HEILIGER. :)
PPS: I couldn't publish poems from day 11 - day 15! May be some other time! Carrying on with Day 16 now! :)

1 comment:

  1. This is fun!!

    Here, my attempt..


So..what do you think?

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