Friday, January 02, 2009

Buh byee 2008 :)

It’s the New Year’s Eve. It may sound clichéd, but indeed it is time to recollect all the things that made or marred our lives. Whenever you think about the next year, you resolve to do something. And before we zero down upon our New Year resolutions, we need to think how well we materialized our last year’s resolution. I hope there aren’t any disappointments ;)
I actually forgot what I had resolved last year…. So I really can’t make a statement ;)
For the next year.. I resolve to 1) umm….. .yaa…
2) arrrrr……. Ok.
3)…Alrite… Done… ;)

I am done with my set of resolutions.. All the best to you :)

Looking back, all I got to say is :

I smile and smile as I look back
Some things were white and some things were black
There was goodness in all bad-bad things
There was a cheer in every mood swing

The time that went by in days 360 and six
The last day is here, if all errs I could fix
But I chose to keep the lessons along
And promise never to repeat the wrong

To all who were hurt by my stupid talks
And to all with whom I refused to walk
At times when they needed a friend
And I failed to show, that they could depend

And to all those who just stuck around
When I was on cloud #9 and when I was on ground
To the one who taught me about little things
And the winters that taught lessons before the springs

In all gratitude I wish you happiness
Lots of joy, blessings and togetherness
May the sun shine bright and may there be contentment too
A very Happy New Year, to all of you...

1 comment:

So..what do you think?

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