Thursday, November 12, 2009

From the diary of an 87 year old… I

Day: Tuesday

Seems I am getting a hang of what they call a “laptop”. Raj, my son, gifted this and expected me to come up with a nice novel.
“Dad, wasn’t this one of the few things that you always wanted to do?”, he asked.
“Yeah, this was on my to-do list before I died”, I chuckled.
Alas, the death seems to be so near, and mind so in a quagmire, that any new idea cropping up in an 87 year old cerebrum seems a distant possibility. Nonetheless, this laptop deserves some attention too.
Its 9pm. Dinner’s done. I am waiting for the young chap and his girl to come to the park for a walk. They seem to love each other’s company. And I love to see them keep each other company.
They are late at times.
Seems, they must be working late. Or are have they gone for a movie tonight?
They never skip their after-meal walk!
Oh, there they come. They look good. Happy. The Boy’s looking extraordinarily fresh today. Did he skip work? He must have had a nice meal. Seems the lady cooked some nice stuff today.
As usual, they’ve taken their favorite place. I wish they sit, once at least, facing me. I would want them to know that they are a part of my night routine now.
I am glad the girl did not object the lighting of the cigarette, today. It made me happy.
“I need a fag too, dear boy” ;)
Happy smokin’ chap.
Time for me to wander in dreamland with my lady..
See you tomorrow.


Onto Chapter 2: From the Diaries... II

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Neither- Nor

I don’t want to be your guide
I don’t want to be by your side
I don’t want to be your inspiration
I don’t want to play the role
Of being your partner in achieving the goal
I only want to be your destination

I don’t want to be your friend
I don’t want to make you comprehend
Why love is far and pain near
I don’t want to comfort you
I don’t want to invert the truth
I only want to be your tears

I don’t want to live along
I don’t want the relation to prolong
I don’t want to endure strife
I don’t want to be a reason
I don’t want emotions in treason
I only want to be your life…

if there were no dreams

  if there were no dreams the permanence would slowly take over and the little escapes into the terrain of subconscious existence would deli...