Friday, April 03, 2020

Lockdown Day 8 - Chaos and Clairvoyance!

Picture Courtesy : Google Images

This slumber is a silent time for a lot of chaos to surface. At least for me it is so.

Despite this very appropriate break that we’ve got, to unwind and relax, the body and mind has been giving in to a lot of hidden pains and chaos that was settled deep within but now is causing an imprudent unsettlement. One may think so! The feeling is inexplicable.

This restlessness is also a part of the journey and it is very important to get out of this phase with more clarity if not anything else.

Restlessness and obscurity surfaces when we have been trying to contemplate or introspect. I think, whether we try or not, we are eventually doing it during this time.

There are dreams, vivid or blurred, doesn’t matter, but they are all trying to tell us something.
I had revelations at many levels - during meditation sessions, introspective sessions while reading randomly on internet or books. The clarity isn’t there yet, because these are life altering topics. I have been delving upon them, nonetheless. On the other side of it all I am very sure that there will be a clear direction at least.

Whenever I am down and under and there is no lucidity, I try to pick up the intuitions, and when they haven’t been really strong enough, I do seek guidance. The guidance comes in very many forms if you are open!

Some read through the angel numbers, or talk to clairvoyants or read messages in many different ways.

Social media has made me appreciate and understand that there are so many people all over the world who believe in vibrations, signs and messages too. There is a reason why psychics and clairvoyants exist and they are not really given the due credits they deserve. Every one is struggling, everyone needs a breakthrough, but most of us are closed to the vibrations and messages that keep coming up, and we refuse to take the lesson or guidance!

This is one such time – this chaos, this silence, this period of isolation. If we can just stop all that we have been doing all these days, all these years and slightly bring a shift in the way we have been perceiving things, and open up to a possibility to what the universe is trying to tell, believe me we call could lead our lives out of the pandemonium that distracts us every now and then!

Until we get there, let us make use of all the light-workers who do relentless work for the humanity and play along until they all take us through these times of trial and vagueness. 

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